Resuming Public Worship
at St. Timothy's Anglican Church
"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord" (Psalm 122:1)
The Parish Council of St. Timothy’s has decided to resume public worship. This is not a “return” to what was our previous custom; online services, viewed every Sunday morning at 10:00am, will continue to be the norm. Rather, this is an invitation, for all who are able and feel comfortable, to attend the Administration of the Holy Eucharist at the time of its offering and filming. For all who will not attend the service in-person: we affirm your situation and decision with absolute respect.
On March 14th we announced that we would no longer be meeting together in any capacity. Shortly thereafter online services were being offered and encouraged for participation at home. On May 22nd provincial health officials published guidelines for gatherings of faith-based organizations; and on May 31st the House of Bishops gave permission to start “in-person worship gatherings” in the Western Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. Looking back over the Summer and looking ahead to the coming Winter, as businesses and schools have been able to open, we feel that now is an appropriate time to resume public worship.
We believe there is good reason for doing so. The reason why is twofold. The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control says of churches that ‘As pillars of strength in communities, faith-based services have an important role in connecting the community by contributing to beneficial and safe social interactions.’ Moreover, the Book of Common Prayer commends that we “assemble and meet together to render thanks for the great benefits we have received at God’s hands, to set forth his most worthy praise, to hear his most holy Word, and to ask those things which are requisite and necessary, as well for the body as the soul.” We find an agreement in these two claims: it is important for us to gather for worship so long as it is safe and beneficial to do so.
The health and safety plan for how we do so is more involved. Beginning on October 31st services will be held on Saturday evenings at 4:00pm. This will ensure that we can avoid contact with members of either Sutherland Church or Emmanuel Church and that the service will be available online by Sunday morning at 10:00am for those intending to participate online. In addition, we ask that all observe the following protocol:
Before you come
Please pre-register for each service you are planning to attend by visiting the “Upcoming Events” section of the Home Page at
Please do not come to the church if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
Do you feel unwell for any reason? Even if you do not suspect it is COVID-19.
Have you been advised to self-isolate or quarantine?
Have you been in contact with someone who has, or suspects they may have, COVID-19?
Entering the Church
Arrive 15 minutes before the start of the service.
Plan to enter (and exit) through the main doors on the south side of the building along 19th Street.
Line up with your group and stay 6 ft. apart while you wait to be checked in.
Wear a mask as you enter the church.
Sanitize your hands on entry at the sanitizing station.
You will be asked to read the Declaration and then sign the Attendance book.
You will be given a Service Bulletin and a hymnal.
The Greeter will show you to your chair(s).
During the Service
Please keep your mask on during the service.
We won’t be singing, but we will pray together and respond to the liturgy.
Leaving the Service
Please follow the directions of the Greeters. We will exit back rows first.
Please take all of your personal belongings with you when you leave.
Please proceed directly outside and maintain physical distancing while you visit.
Please direct any questions or concerns to the church personnel at